Jack: One Month Old

Friday, May 13, 2011

Jack is a month old! Well, technically today he's one month and one day old but.. who's counting. Last weekend I got to celebrate my first mothers day as a mama. Its crazy still that one day little Jack is going to call me Mama. He's probably going to call me lots of other things in his life too but Ill only focus on the positive for now. ;) I decided to end my journey with little Jack. I think this series turned out pretty darned well. Its pretty neat to see the progression.


As my first month as a mom I learned...
  •  The Iphone app Total Baby is the best invention ever. 
  • Babies grow. Quickly too! I took him to get weighed today and he weighed in at an awesome 7lb 2 oz. WHOA baby! Slow down.
  • Growth Spurts arent fun when babies arent exactly on the boob full time.
  • They are much better without nipple shields
  • Breastfeeding without the nipple shield is much better then with it, man i hate that thing.
  • Jack has the cutest pout ever.
  • Im not a fan of disposables. Weve moved on to cloth (finally!)
  • Cloth is pretty good so far.
  • Jack likes baths.
  • His eyes are still slate blue and they are beautiful. Im hoping they wont change even though I know they will.
  • His hair is turning a bit more gingery every day.
  • Im sad he's not 5 lbs anymore. I want to keep him small.
  • His startle reflex is super cute.. and he gets startled by everything!
  • His pout is seriously THE CUTEST THING EVER
  • Ive learned how to eat with my left hand.
  • How to surf the net on my phone while pumping.
  • It drives me crazy when LJ spits up. Not because I have a mess to clean up but ... because he's wasting that precious milk I pumped out for him!

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Tricia @ SweeterThanSweets May 25, 2011 at 4:30 AM  

Aw, what a cutie! It made me laugh when you said you learned how to eat with your left hand. Isn't it crazy how many things you can do with one hand when you have to? (Although Little Sweets had oatmeal all over her sometimes while I nursed and ate breakfast at the same time.)

Also, no matter how many people tell you it goes by so fast, it doesn't mean much until you go through it yourself!

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